Molecular Biology



Brief Profile

Dr Basak graduated in Biochemistry (PhD) with a specialization in Molecular Biology. He is a DBT-BOYSCAST fellow and obtained his postdoctoral training from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway. He joined the ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition on August 2004. Presently, he is serving NIN as a Scientist. Dr Basak has more than fifteen years of research experience in the area of reproductive physiology, metabolism, and nutrigenomics that produced several original research, review papers, methodological studies, book chapters, edited books, and monographs.

He is investigating the roles of nutraceuticals derived from dietary factors on early-life development and its prevention to the development of adult chronic diseases. The impact of lifestyle and environmental factors on fetoplacental development is also investigating by his groups. Their research primarily funded by extramural research grants, in which they utilize rodents, human cells and cell lines, clinical samples, and molecular diagnostic methods.

Total publications : 64; List of Publications in last 10 years
  1. Srinivas V, Molangiri A, Varma S, Mallepogu A, Kona SR, Ibrahim A, Duttaroy AK, Basak, S. Maternal omega-3 fatty acid deficiency affects fetal thermogenic development and postnatal musculoskeletal growth in mice. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2022; Nov 12; 112:109218. PMID: 36375730 (IF 6.117)
  2. Srinivas V, Varma S, Kona SR, Ibrahim A, Duttaroy AK, Basak S. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid deficiency from pre-pregnancy to lactation affects expression of genes involved in neurogenesis of the offspring. bioRxiv 2022;
  3. Basak S, Banerjee A, Pathak S, Duttaroy AK. Dietary Fats and the Gut Microbiota: Their impacts on lipid-induced metabolic syndrome. Journal of Functional Foods. 2022; 91:105026 (IF 5.223)
  4. Basak S, Das RK, Banerjee A, Paul S, Pathak S, Duttaroy AK. Maternal Obesity and Gut Microbiota Are Associated with Fetal Brain Development. 2022; Oct 27;14(21): 4515.doi: 10.3390/nu14214515. PMID: 36364776 (IF 6.706)
  5. Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Maternal PUFAs, Placental Epigenetics, and Their Relevance to Fetal Growth and Brain Development. Reproductive Sciences. 2022;10.1007/s43032-022-00989-w 1-20 (IF 3.103)
  6. Basak S, Mallick R, Banerjee A, Pathak S, Duttaroy AK. Cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding proteins in metabolic diseases and cancers. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology: Academic Press; 2022; 132: 143-174. doi: 10.1016/bs.apcsb.2022.05.009. PMID: 36088074 (IF 5.447)
  7. Molangiri A, Varma S, Satyavani M, Kambham S, Duttaroy AK, Basak S. Prenatal exposure to bisphenol S and bisphenol A differentially affects male reproductive system in the adult offspring. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2022; 167:113292. PMID: 35842007. (IF 5.572)
  8. Mohammed S, Qadri SSY, Mir IA, Kondapalli NB, Basak S*, Rajkumar H*. Fructooligosaccharide ameliorates high-fat induced intrauterine inflammation and improves lipid profile in the hamster offspring. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2022 ;101:108925. PMID: 34843933 (IF 6.117).
  9. Duttaroy AK, Basak S. Maternal Fatty Acid Metabolism in Pregnancy and Its Consequences in the Feto-Placental Development. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022; 12:787848-787866. PMID: 35126178 (IF 4.755).
  10. Srinivas V, Molangiri A, Mallepogu A, Kona SR, Ibrahim, A, Duttaroy AK, Basak S. Maternal n-3 PUFA deficiency alters uterine artery remodeling and placental epigenome in the mice. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2021; Oct; 96:108784.doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2021.108784.PMID: 34062269 (IF 6.117).
  11. Basak S, Mallick R, Banerjee A, Pathak S, Duttaroy AK. Maternal Supply of Both Arachidonic and Docosahexaenoic Acids Is Required for Optimal Neurodevelopment. 2021; Jun 16;13(6): 2061.doi: 10.3390/nu13062061.PMID: 34208549. (IF 6.706)
  12. Mallick R, Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Fatty acids and evolving roles of their proteins in neurological, cardiovascular disorders and cancers. Prog Lipid Res. 2021 ;83:101116 (IF 14.673)
  13. Basak S, Mallick R, Banerjee A, Pathak S, Duttaroy A K. Does Maternal Arachidonic Acid Influence the Neurodevelopmental Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid?. Preprints 2021, 2021040665 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202104.0665.v2).
  14. Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Its Beneficial Effects in Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer. 2020; 12(7):1913. PMID: 32605287 (IF 6.706)
  15. Raha S, Mallick R, Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Is copper beneficial for COVID-19 patients? Medical hypotheses. 2020; 142:109814. PMID: 32388476 (IF 4.411)
  16. Basak S, Vilasagaram S, Duttaroy AK. Maternal dietary deficiency of n-3 fatty acids affects metabolic and epigenetic phenotypes of the developing fetus. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2020; 158:102109. PMID: 32474355 (IF 3.015)
  17. Basak S, Srinivas V, Mallepogu A, Duttaroy AK. Curcumin stimulates angiogenesis through VEGF and expression of HLA-G in first-trimester human placental trophoblasts. Cell Biology International. 2020; 44(5):1237-51. PMID: 32073198. (IF 4.473)
  18. Duttaroy AK, Basak S. Maternal dietary fatty acids and their roles in human placental development. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2020; 155:102080. PMID: 32120190. (IF 3.015)
  19. Basak S, Das MK, Duttaroy AK. Plastics derived endocrine-disrupting compounds and their effects on early development. Birth Defects Res. 2020 (doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1741). PMID: 32476245. (IF 2.661)
  20. Ibrahim SA, Basak S. Fats in maternal and child health: Regional ISSFAL congress in India. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2020; 156:102092. PMID: 32272306 (IF 3.015)
  21. Mallick R, Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3: Its roles in the structure and function of the brain. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 2019; 79:21-31. PMID: 31629800. (IF 2.540)
  22. Basak S, Vilasagaram S, Naidu K, Duttaroy AK. Insulin-dependent, glucose transporter 1 mediated glucose uptake and tube formation in the human placental first trimester trophoblast cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 2019; 451 (1-2):91-106. PMID: 30003444. (IF 3.842)
  23. Basak S, Srinivas V, Duttaroy AK. Bisphenol-A impairs cellular function and alters DNA methylation of stress pathway genes in first trimester trophoblast cells. Reproductive toxicology. 2018; 82:72-9. PMID: 30352284. (IF 3.421)
  24. Basak S, Sarkar A, Mathapati S, Duttaroy AK. Cellular growth and tube formation of HTR8/SVneo trophoblast: effects of exogenously added fatty acid-binding protein-4 and its inhibitor. Mol Cell Biochem. 2018; 437(1-2):55-64. PMID: 28620819. (IF 3.842)
  25. Leroy C, Tobin KAR, Basak S, Cathrine Staff A, Duttaroy AK. Fatty acid-binding protein3 expression in BeWo cells, a human placental choriocarcinoma cell line. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2017; 120:1-7. PMID: 28515017. (IF 3.015)
  26. Basak S, Duttaroy A. Cellular effects of the endocrine disrupters (Bisphenol-S & A): impact on the growth and development of the first trimester trophoblast cells. Placenta. 2017; 57:253. DOI: (IF 3.287)
  27. Pandya AD, Das MK, Sarkar A, Vilasagaram S, Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Tube formation in the first trimester placental trophoblast cells: Differential effects of angiogenic growth factors and fatty acids. Cell Biology International. 2016; 40(6):652-61. PMID: 26992362. (IF 4.473)
  28. Patwardhan S, Dasari S, Bhagavatula K, Mueller S, Deepak SA, Ghosh S, Basak S. Simultaneous Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms in a Mixture by Multiplex PCR-Chip Capillary Electrophoresis. J AOAC Int. 2015;98(5):1366-74. PMID: 26525256. (IF 2.028)
  29. Basak S, Das MK, Srinivas V, Duttaroy AK. The interplay between glucose and fatty acids on tube formation and fatty acid uptake in the first trimester trophoblast cells, HTR8/SVneo. Mol Cell Biochem. 2015;401(1-2):11-9. PMID: 25413343. (IF 3.842)
  30. Das MK, Basak S, Ahmed MS, Attramadal H, Duttaroy AK. Connective tissue growth factor induces tube formation and IL-8 production in first trimester human placental trophoblast cells. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2014;181:183-8. PMID: 25150958. (IF 2.831)
  31. Basak S, Ehtesham NZ, Sesikeran B, Ghosh S. Detection and identification of transgenic elements by fluorescent-PCR-based capillary gel electrophoresis in genetically modified cotton and soybean. J AOAC Int. 2014;97(1):159-65. PMID: 24672872. (IF 2.028)
  32. Basak S, Duttaroy AK. cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid stimulates expression of angiopoietin like-4 in the placental extravillous trophoblast cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013;1831(4):834-43. PMID: 23354176. (IF 5.228)
  33. Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Effects of fatty acids on angiogenic activity in the placental extravillious trophoblast cells. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2013;88(2):155-62. PMID: 23153451. (IF 3.015)
  34. Basak S, Das MK, Duttaroy AK. Fatty acid-induced angiogenesis in first trimester placental trophoblast cells: possible roles of cellular fatty acid-binding proteins. Life sciences. 2013;93(21):755-62. PMID: 24095946. (IF 6.78)
  35. Duttaroy A, Basak S. Docosahexaenoic acid and angiogenesis: a role in early placentation. Clin Lipidol. 2012;7(3):303-12.
  36. Basak S, Duttaroy AK, editors. Conjugated linoleic acid stimulates expression of angiopoietin like-4 (ANGPTL4) in the placental extravillous trophoblast cells. Placenta; 2012; 33 (9): 123. WB Saunders Co. ltd. (IF 3.287)
  37. Basak S, Duttaroy AK. Leptin induces tube formation in first-trimester extravillous trophoblast cells. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2012; 164(1):24-9. PMID: 22717511. (IF 2.831)

Total number of books = 2; Book chapters =15


  1. Asim K Duttaroy, Sanjay Basak (2016) Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors: Effects on First Trimester Placenta. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  2. Asim K Duttaroy, Sanjay Basak (2015) eds. Human Placental Trophoblast: Impacts on Maternal Nutrition. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.

Book chapters

  1. Early Placentation Processes: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_2 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.13-21
  2. Glucose and Amino Acid and Their Roles in Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_3 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.23-38
  3. B Vitamins and Their Role on Trophoblast Growth and Development: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_5 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.51-68.  
  4. Endocrine Factors and Their Effects on Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_7 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.91-100
  5. Sources of Key Nutrients for Successful Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_12 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.151-159
  6. Placentation as a Predictor of Feto-Placental Outcome: Effects of Early Nutrition: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_1 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.1-12
  7. Dietary Fatty Acids and Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_4 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.39-50
  8. Maternal Lifestyle Factors and Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_8 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.101-118
  9. Placental Epigenetics and Its Importance in Placental Development: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_10  In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016, pp.129-137
  10. 10.Fat-Soluble and Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals: Their Roles in Placentation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_6  In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016 pp.69-89
  11. Regulation of Placentation by Environmental Factors: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_9 In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016, pp.119-128
  12. Gene Regulation, microRNA, and Placentation; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38804-5_11 · In book: Early Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors, 2016, pp.139-149
  13. Basak S and Duttaroy AK (2015) Hyperglycemia on trophoblast invasion and angiogenesis, Chapter 20 ; Edited by Asim K Duttaroy, Sanjay Basak, Human Placental Trophoblasts: Impacts on Maternal Nutrition. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA
  14. Basak S and Duttaroy AK (2015) Fatty acid and placentation, Chapter 11 ; Edited by Asim K Duttaroy, Sanjay Basak, Human Placental Trophoblasts: Impacts on Maternal Nutrition. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA
  15. Duttaroy AK and Basak S (2013) Docosahexaenoic Acid and Angiogenesis: A Review Nutrition and Health: Omega-6/3 Fatty Acids, Edited by: F. De Meester et al., Chapter 11, Page193,©Humana Press (Springer Science) Business Media New York

Awards and Honours
  1. Top Peer Reviewer Award by Publons (2019) , a Web of Science group, Clarivate Analytics
  2. Smt.Swaran Kanta Dingley Oration award (2018)  by Indian Council of Medical Research Govt. of India for the outstanding research contribution in Reproductive Biology
  3. Awarded a start-up research grant (2018-21) on “endocrine disruptor and development programming of early life” from Dept. of Health Research, Govt. of India
  4. ICMR Long Term International Fellowship and Award (2016-17) by Human Resource Development , Dept. of Health Research, Govt of India
  5. Awarded a R&D Grant (2013-16) on “Maternal dietary fatty acid and placental angiogenesis” from Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
  6. Editorial Member of the International Journal, Food & Nutrition Research, IF 3.647 (2015-till), published by Swedish Nutrition Foundation.
  7. Henrik Homans Memorial Scholarship (2011) awarded by UNIFOR, University of Oslo, Norway.
  8. BOYSCAST Overseas Long Term Fellowship and Award (2010-11), Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
  9. DST International Travel award (2008) to present research at 1st Global Conference on GMO Analysis Como, Italy in June 20-27  

  1. Nominated as a member of the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) in 2019
  2. Certified as FELASA-C from European Union to conduct laboratory animal experiments in 2016
  3. Life Member, Indian Society of Cell Biology (ISCB) in 2015
  4. Member of CRC authors, Taylor & Francis Groups, USA in 2015
  5. Life Member, Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction & Fertility (ISSRF) in 2014
  6. BOYSCAST fellow , Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt.of India in 2011
  7. Served as a Member of Nordic Society of Lipid forum Norway in 2011
  8. Technical committee member of FAD 23, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), Govt. of India during 2008-10
  9. Life Member, Nutrition Society of India (NSI) in 2006